Saturday, 9 June 2012


I have a confession to make.

I am a hoarder. I keep far too much, just in case I might, one day, need it again. I will often buy something to store away, with intentions to use it later- and then not find it when I need it.

It wasn't too bad in our old house (near Sydney). We had storage space so I could keep things packed away neatly. In our current house, we don't have the storage space but I still have the stuff.

I have camping gear that I haven't used since about 1997. Bowling balls from about the same time frame. Formal dresses from 1990- my eldest daughter now fits into them. I still have my first wedding dress, and have been married second time around for nearly 8 years.

When my first daughter started daycare, I used to keep most of her artwork for sentimental value. Now that I have 4 children, I am scared of getting lost under the really important paperwork, so can't keep every beautiful artistic item.

(I started typing this post (one handed, while baby sleeps on my lap), while thinking 'out with the old, in with the new'. And by coincidence, hubby puts the Queen's Jubilee Concert on the TV.....)

But back to the clutter. I am having an Enjo party here next month, and I want some major de-cluttering done before a total stranger comes in and cleans my house while my friends watch. And it's so annoying and frustrating- thinking of an item or object, being so sure we still have it somewhere, and finding it when I no longer need it.

So while bub is still sleeping on my lap, I might check eBay and see how hard it is to sell stuff on there. I promise not to buy anything....